Choose to Rise to the Challenges

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2020

I am grateful for every experience, bit of knowledge, every breath and word I get to write. This life is our journey to create and own. We all have stories inside of us. Make your life a hero's journey.

Choose to rise to the challenges and soar through the pain and fear that can cripple us. Dig deep and commit to find the lessons and stay in love and grace.

Here are my daily commitments to capturing 2020 vision which will inform your life moving forward.

Commitment - in order for change to happen you need to create a new behavior. It all begins with a decision and commitment to consistent time every day to look into your rear view mirror.

Reflection - grab a journal and look deeply at what emotions and thoughts come up. Search for the lessons this year brought and write them down. It is in our awareness, consciousness that patterns show up so they can be released

Breathe deeply - Without our breath, we would be dead. So it’s funny we didn’t learn in school how to master the breath. How it can calm, energize, focus us and move healing energy through our body. It is our first line of defense keeping us heart centered.

Nourish and honor your body - this is the only vehicle you get in this life. It has simple needs. Plenty of water, green healthy foods, long walks in nature, peaceful moments of rest.

Make a list of your superpowers. What you love to do the most. Where your heart sings. My passion is helping people imagine the opportunities in the world today to bring your superpowers to serve. The world has changed.


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